BrighterPlanning is a financial tool used to aid the user in reconstructing their portfolio to optimal performance for their risk assessed needs.
To run BrighterPlanning on your local computer, download/clone the project to the appropriate directory. In your terminal, navigate to the root directory, and npm install
At the command prompt cd frontend
to get to the frontend folder and npm install
once more. When your dependences have been installed, run npm start
. If your browswer window doesn’t automatically open to localhost:3000/, click the link to open a new window.
Now you’re ready to begin!
As you enter the planning phase, let’s first consider the risk plan for your individual needs. For more secure and steady growth, choose a lower plan. If you’re able to take more chances at a higher rate, choose a higher plan. Charts display account breakdowns, giving you a chance to gauge the plans for you.
Finally, enter your current portfolio and we’ll calculate the optimized plan for you. BrighterPlanning will render your recommended portfolio and give you a list of recommended transfers to update your portfolio.
package manager